Wednesday, February 25, 2015

It Hurts

Every what I do hurts.

It hurts so bad....

I have noticed mostly everything what I do has a negative effect, for an example. Finishing my work early, but now a major headache. It hurts. Does this happen to any of you guys? Maybe not. I wonder why, I am just weird.
But one thing I noticed is everyone have suffer before. I suffer so much, I think my future isn't going to be so bright. I don't even know what I want to become. I don't know a damn thing about my future. I hope I am not the only one. But it make me wonder.... what is going to happen in the future. Seeing your love ones die. Now that is pain... Once again it hurts...

I don't understand. Walking 50% your feet hurt (for my opinion). Running- when I finish it hurts my throat. Writing-hurts my fingers/hand/wrists. Sleeping- Who know when I am going to wake up maybe in 2 year or hours or minutes. See I have low self-esteem I worry about mostly everything. I look like I don't care... Maybe I do... I am confused. My heart hurts, My head hurts, My stomach.  


Yeah I should just forget about everything and move on with my life. (Like if that going to work) Just give up. I am tired of giving up but I am tired of everything in the world. What's wrong? "I just want to die nope, that is not it I just want to be save from reality." Yup, That is the real reason.